A provincial real estate market research group visited Feng Lin Yi Hao residential community
Date: March 11, 2013

A research group led by Shaanxi Provincial Policy Research Office and the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Department visited Feng Lin Yi Hao residential community at 3 p.m. on August 3rd, 2010. The delegation was accompanied by Chen Shaowei, the deputy director of Tongchuan Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Shi Huanhu, the deputy general manager of Dade Group; Zhu Qiang, the vice president and general manager of Tongchuan Fenglin Property Management Limited Company; Yao Yinghua, the vice president of Tongchuan Fenglin Property Management Company also accompanied the visit and introduced to the delegation and guests the overall situation on development, construction, and management of Feng Lin Yi Hao residential community. After the visit, the delegates spoke highly of the living environment, greening and management of the community, saying which is even better than that in Xi'an. They acknowledged the vision and sense of responsibility of Dade Group, and praised that such a community like Feng Lin Yi Hao residential community represents a higher level of real estate development in Tongchuan city.

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