A Soccer Game Held in Kyrgyzstan for Chinese enterprises
Date: June 06, 2013

By Guan Jianwu Xinhua  Sport(Bishkek)

A Soccer Game Held in Kyrgyzstan for Chinese enterprises ended on 26th, May.


There were 4 teams participated in the match: the Chinese embassy united team, the Zhongda China petrol company representative team,  China's Huawei company and China road and bridge company united team and Confucius institute team.

After the first-day competition on 25th and the first round of the match in the morning of 26th, the Chinese embassy united team and the Zhongda China petrol company representative team stood out and run into the finals.

The final ran in a nervous and orderly atmosphere. Players tried hard and sweat on the field and the fans were all in a very high spirit. The cheering squad of the Zhongda China petrol company representative team was distinctive to others; they beat drums to cheer up their team players.
In the end, the Chinese embassy united team won the game 7:2. In addition, Zhou Hao and Guan Jianwu, from the Chinese embassy united team,  and Wei Wei, from the Zhongda China petrol company representative team won the Golden Boot Prize for the same five goals.

Qi Dayu , China's ambassador in Kyrgyzstan congratulated the successful match. He said that this match gave a communication platform for Chinese people who work in Kyrgyzstan, they not only exercise themselves but enhance the friendship with each other in the match. The football match was hosted by the Chinese embassy in Kyrgyzstan and sponsored by Zhongda China petrol company.

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